Wednesday, December 23, 2009

last min and chill

Still in my cousins, I helped her clean up the house for xmas eve and wrapped presents. AND I MEAN A LOT OF PRESENTS! Then I had to buy christmas presents of my own so I went off to the mall with my cousin and after I WAS ALREADY BROKE! I hate the feeling of being broke. I need a job...BADLY! Then I went with my friends to golfland. My hands were freezing, I couldn't even hold anything anymore. Then my mom picked me up and made me wrap even more presents -.-

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


PLANNED TODAY:golfland & xmas in the park. monterey bay aquarium. avatar. or sf?! STOP PLANING ON THE SAME DAY I CANT CHOOSE =[[
I chose to be with the cousins again, and watched avatar. AND AVATAR WAS AMAZING! I LOVED THAT MOVIE. The beg. was lame, but then it was like BAM! jaw dropping. Making you stay up on your toes. After the movie I slept over my cousins house again. =]] I can't get enough of her house it's so nice.

Monday, December 21, 2009


After those parties, I had to stay home. Even though people still were calling to hang out. I was too tired and just watched the movie UP and THE BLIND SIDE. And I still had fun...BYMYSELF?! what's up with that. haha but my cousin was here so it's all good.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

party #2

PLANNED TODAY: cousins xmas party, derrick's bye bye hello P.I party, maridel's birthday dinner party, and christmas in the park.
I didn't know what to pick.. I hate picking, but I chose my cousins party and christmas in the park. At my cousins party it was nice seeing her friends and her boyfriends friends again, especially MATT! I hella missed that guy! Never seen him for 6 years? and I still recognized him! It was crazy! haha I helped cooked and waited for my cousin to arrive to go to christmas in the park with other people. When we got to xmas in the park..IT WAS RAINING! but that didn't stop us from enjoying downtown. but overall...IT WAS REALLY BORING! Me and my cousin only enjoyed the food the rest..EH. but everyone else enjoyed themselves but we split up with them so Idk what they did. Then we went to my cousins house and hung out there til 4 in the morning and went home.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

party #1

Supposedly there were two parties to go to. Both in my cousins houses, but I picked one.."the kaiser xmas party" just cause... but it was still fun! the adults were crazy! but hey I'm use to that already. When I was about to leave to help my cousin fix up her place for her party the next day there were these two guys that looked bored and I thought to myself..If that was me I would want to be doing something. so i brought them upstairs and they started playing games lmao.. then i went to my cousins house and cleaned and wrapped presents for her party tomorrow.. while cockblocking my cousin and her boyfriend =]]... I'm like the ultimate cockblocker haha

Friday, December 18, 2009


The last day before winter break started...I didn't go to school. Just cause all there would be is just parties, movies, and plays. And to me that's just worth missing out on. I'd rather stay in and sleep, so my dad let me stay in since it's not important. But I just snuck out instead and went somewhere....AHEM! Then I went back to ROP clinical in hayward. I can't miss that class, plus I actually enjoy going there. After the clinic, I went to my cousins house then to my cousins birthday "party." yes, its in quotations because it was HAHA you would be like wth if you were there too. but I'm not going to go any further, but I just slept over my cousins house.

Monday, November 30, 2009


Everyone compares you as a star and the moons and planets because they are above and beyond beautiful. But you? You’re incomparible to any life form because beauty like yours only exists in you. And the stars? I rather not. Because you see, if you were a star, you’d be up there in the sky where the tips of my fingers cannot even reach, and … I like putting my finger prints all over you. The moons? They only shine when they sun reflects behind them, and darling, you come after the sun- outshining its solar rays and blinding light. And those planets? Well, they all orbit around each other, so obviously you don’t belong there. Why? Because you’re the focal point of every human eye, especially mine. And quite frankly, I orbit you.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Good ol' days

Since people were putting up some memories onto facebook and what not. I decided to do the same. Missing the good times.. People say the past is the past, but to me it's like coming back home. Sometimes it doesn't hurt to re-live the past. As if you are re-uniting people together again. But then again sometimes re-living the past can be painful. As if a loved one is never to be seen again. They say, forgive is to forget, but nevertheless you can never forget. Cause you can't forget a memory that you've seen and/or heard. You only try to, but it's hard. Learn from the past,enjoy the present, plan for the future.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Fall Rally North

In the beginning of the day, I wanted to stay in bed cause it was freezing cold, but then HEY?! Its my senior year. and this will be my last biggest key club event ever, and a chance to meet and greet newbies and oldies =]].. I miss everyone.. I wish that day didn't come to an end. From Spirit battles, to having rewards, to meeting new divisions, to meeting the same people, but most of all having FUN and donating to those in need.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Last day in LA

So we woke up really early, putting all our stuff in the garage, so we can get them and leave. && we packed all the food that my aunt made. HER FOOD IS BOMB! I LOVE EATING HER FOOD. I also miss her making food for me in the morning before I go to school =[[ Anyways! To celebrate Labor day, we went over to the beach and had a picnic =DD After eating, we went exploring around the beach. Then we went back to Irvine Spectrum! I LOVE THAT PLACE, =]] but I love it better in the dark, cause of all the lights. The best part of shopping there is that it has Urban Outfitters, H&M, and forever 21 =]] Now all it needs is Stussy, True, Huf, Azuki, Premiere, etc. and that will be my all time favorite place to kick it and shop. After shopping we ate in a buffet, back to my cousins to get our stuff, and left. Man I was having such a great time I didn't want to leave. Plus I wanted to meet some of my friends there! but I couldn't reach them or they didn't have rides -.-

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Irvine Spectrum, LA

First place we went to was in downtown LA to go shopping. Where I met this gay guy! He was pretty funny. There was the kind of music playing that you would hear in a rave. So I started dancing and he was showing us his moves! haha. I found this really cute shirt and told my mom to buy it and she was arguing once again, and my aunt just told her to buy it =]] && when she gave it to the gay guy to buy it she was arguing with him too, to make the price lower or have no tax. WTH who does that? haha and I just told him. Don't worry, she's always like this and we just came back from oregon and he said "OH WOW lol is that your mom? shes scary, but your cool." haha o yess im cool =DD Later on my cousin went on a date, being a "HOMEWRECKER" as we call him. While me and my other cousins went to Irvine Spectrum, to watch a movie. THAT PLACE WAS SO BEAUTIFUL AT NIGHT! We got lost going to the movie theatre, but it's ok! haha it was nice walking around that place haha. We watched "Time Travelers Wife." At the same time it was gross but cute. After the movie we just chilled in that area. I was so mad I didn't bring my camera! That place was nice to take pictures in =]] Then when we sat down waiting for my cousin to come pick us up, I was having a very intimate and emotional moment, that my brother was like WTF WHY YOU CRYING and ya we argued haha but it was really funny, I wanted to record us lmao.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

im in LA BITCH

Even though school has started, my summer vacation didn't end yet. When we arrived to LA, I was excited to see my cousins new house. When I did, it was pretty nice. In three words I would describe it as: Big, Spacious, Decorative. Me and my cousin, Kriszel, ended up watching movies and doing hw, waiting for my other cousins to come visit us. When they finally arrived, we watched their slideshow in the PHILIPPINES! It was pretty nice and looks like they had fun. I'm still mad they didn't invite us! NOT COOL! lol

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

First day of senior year

Everything was good, except by the fact that I didn't want to go to school yet. Who doesn't? Until I came to my 3rd period class. I was the only senior there! Cause my dumbass self last year, didn't go to the office, to tell them I already made up my semester for Geometry in summer school. So I took it last year for nothing, still questioning myself as junior year went by. Now I regret telling the office last year, cause I don't want to be stuck with a class full of sophomores, some juniors and a freshmen who thinks he's all that. But hey, I just let myself go in that class since nobody knows be that well, HA. On top of that, we had the weirdest sub ever, since our teacher left us to go back to his old school. After that, I went to my last class, which was pretty fun. Then I left school to go to ROP. Feeling happy that I know a lot of people in that class, and the teacher. =]] Lets just say all is all and ends well...

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Beaten up

Already feeling crappy, I called my babe to make me feel better. Once he did, my dad comes in opening the door. Asking why I was still on the phone? Come on now it was only 8pm! He then takes my phone away and I'm begging for it back. Not letting him get away with my phone this time. But he refuses to give it back and pushes me away. I go in my room slamming the door and jumped in bed. He then comes in yelling, why I slammed the door. But I refused to talk, he then slaps me everywhere and walks away. Once again, I slammed the door and jumped in bed. He comes again yelling, why I did it again. But I refused to talk again, he punches me everywhere, while I'm screaming my lungs out. He then yells about Why I yell back at mom? Only because she yells at me...And Why I don't come down to eat? Only because I already ate earlier...And Why my baby comes to the house from morning til night? Only because I never see him for a month or 3 weeks...And Why I talk to my babe all the time? Only because he's the only one keeping me in one piece...He says I hang out with too many guys. Only because girls cause too much drama and I don't want to deal with that. Breathing heavily under my blanket, I refuse to talk back to any of those questions. Why? Cause he always comes up with a BULLSHIT REASON OR USES SOMETHING FROM THE PAST THAT I WOULDN'T DO ANYMORE!! So I yelled out that I would run away. He then sounded as if he was sad, but kept on asking me what I said. I wouldn't speak to him, I just wanted to suffocate under my blanket. Funny part was when my brother goes downstairs and a few minutes later my dad asks my mom who went downstairs and he goes and checks who it was, HA! What if I did run away, I'd love to see his reaction! He is just TOO OVER PROTECTIVE!! IM NOT A LITTLE CHILD ANYMORE! He never knows my side of the story...I'm tired of it and I'm tired that my brother can do everything he wants and I can't? -FML

Monday, August 3, 2009

beach bitches

Another long ass drive heading to...the Tillamook Cheese Factory? First thing I saw was a lot of ice cream flavors with a long line! Wouldn't you expect to first see cheese?.. In a CHEESE FACTORY? But I got to admit, the ice cream was delicious and cheap =]] Then we went in the self served cheese factory and got myself some CHEESE! We then arrived to our oceanfront hotel, settled in, and went straight to the beach. Made sand castles, a picnic with subway, and the adults caught clams HA! Later at night we all my cousins went back to the beach for a bonfire. Some of us were scared, by the fact that we don't want to get in trouble. Since we always do in Oregon, when ever my brother, JJ is with us. Then his dumb ass, threw a full can of paint that he found. And of course those things a flammable, in which we all almost got roasted! I was lucky cause I was so close to the fire, but my brother got paint all over him, HA. That's what he deserves.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Third Day in Oregon

In the morning, it took awhile for everyone to take a shower. Imagine 8 families with two or more children fighting for the bathrooms, HA it's hectic! After a long ass drive, we came upon an outside church. Which was amazing! I wish we had one in Fremont though =[[. After the church they had this tour thing upstairs that we went to. I guess it's pretty interesting. After that, we went to Washington Square Mall that everyone has been waiting to go to. [[it's not in Washington]] I just got some black pants from forever 21 for work, and some t-shirts.

Saturday, August 1, 2009


It was exciting to see everyone in Oregon again. 8 families that all drove to Oregon? fun fun fun. First stop today was at an outlet. ALL my cousins didn't really like the outlet so we just chilled and ate. Surprisingly, it was hotter than Fremont! I was sweating my butt off. We then went to Multnomah Falls. To me it's like Mission Peak. But Multnomah Falls is easier to get up to the top. Plus there's a really cold river you can go in to cool yourself off. It's my second time up here and the outlet, but it's still nice to see. After all the heat outside, we came to relax in my aunt's house and celebrate my cousin, Justine's birthday.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Road Trip Begins

I pulled an all nighter once again, twice in a row to be exact. But this time I was balling out tears...don't ask. But once my mom woke up she started yelling at me, for having the t.v still on and having my dog, buddy, pee on the training pads. Tell me what is wrong with that? Simply, NOTHING. She then gotten me to a point, where I don't care what she says. So I played piano to calm myself esteem. Everyone now left to go get the rented car we've gotten. And we are off to Oregon. Another thing I'd like to share is this really dope video I've found. Which is 100 Bay Area Slang Terms in under 3 minutes, enjoy!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


My friends and I went swimming and tanning. In which I accomplished my goal from becoming darker than someone! We ate at Mad Fish right after and the food was scrumptious! The funny part was when we turned in all three checkbooks, our waiter came back with a checkbook, having a silly facial expression, saying that we didn't pay enough. Once we opened it, we only paid $4 and started laughing! When we were suppose to pay $16.47! Just cause my friend,Sean, didn't know we turned in all the checkbooks. The sad thing is that I don't have any money, and I feel naked without any or bad because other people had to pay for me. I just want to start working instead of waiting until I come back from Oregon.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Cute Panda

I went in a Hello Kitty store and found this panda! ITS SO CUTE! Plus it's really soft, and I have a thing for super soft items, so I was holding it until I left the store haha. I wanted to buy it, but no money =[ It just reminded me my bf, Mikko G. <3

Sunday, July 26, 2009

What I've Been Waiting For

I LOVE MIKKO UBANDO! because today is our 8 month anniversary! But once again since we are in a long distant relationship, with no access of a car..We only have limited days to visit each other. In which today, sadly wasn't possible to see each other, but we still manage to get through everything. Suddenly, I receive a phone call from my cousin, Kriszel, asking if we wanted to go swimming. After swimming I felt darker, so I was happy haha, but hopefully it stays like that for awhile or even longer. We all cleaned up, ate food from Wienerschnitzel, watched some videos. Then out of the blue my cousin, Rommel, came and finally brought my memory card and charger for my camera! I was so happy and I've been waiting for this ever since I lost those two item. RAWR! Then he wanted to kill time because it was near rush hour, and he didn't want to go back to SF. So we went to watch "Ice Age 3" in 3-D! and it was so cute and funny! It's those kind of little kid movies that you want to watch all over again. hehe. Later we headed back to Kriszel's house and watched some more movies, "He's Just Not That Into You" and "Taken" but I already watched those movies, so there was nothing new. Now it's 4:39 AM and I can't go to sleep!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Excited, but not so much

You know when your sleeping and someone wakes you up out of nowhere? Well I woke up up by my dog, Buddy. But it's OK cause he's cute. Then all of a sudden my mom comes in, yelling at me to clean my room, when I've already cleaned everything. Just the skim board was on my floor. So I jump out of bed to do chores and when I was done my brother, JJ, leaves the house without me knowing where he's going. Then I asked my parents to drop me at the mall so I can drop off my work permit. But instead they start yelling at me cause I didn't go with JJ, since he went to the mall, but HE NEVER TOLD ME! So my dad offered to drop me off, but he was too busy. So when JJ came back, he asked him to drop me, but he just went off with my dad. I was really getting frustrated by the fact that my parents were telling me to get a job, in which I have, but they're not taking me! So my mom starts yelling at me to get ready, when she told me to fold her laundry. So I'm just getting even more mad, but I can't show that when I head over to the mall. By the time I got to Sbarro, my boss Khandy, was telling me that, once I get back from my vacation at Oregon, I can start working. And so I started cheesing really big and my bf's friend Scotty, was saying "OH she's excited" but I just kept saying I'm not and they said welcome to sbarro. I just can't wait to work! So to celebrate, I shopped at Forever 21 and bought myself a top and a skirt. While I was there this girl asked me where I got the top and I showed her and once I got the skirt I saw her getting the same thing! But w.e I didn't want to ruin my moment.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Beach Boardwalk

I woke up and my brother, JJ, asked if I wanted to go to the beach with the cousins. I began getting ready and we took off to my cousins house named, Chesco. I started playing with their little puppies, which were so adorable. Then walked over to my cousins friends house, Jason and his girlfriend. Chesco asked his mom if it was ok if he could drive to the beach, but he couldn't so we had to fit in JJ's car. Off to Sunset beach, but we ended up at Beach Boardwalk. The water looked dirty, but hey it was hot! Took me awhile to get in the water though because I felt so white. =[[ So I ran to the water and it was freezing cold! Too cold that I couldn't feel my arms and legs at all! But you know how you get that feeling when your in freezing cold water that suddenly its hot? Well we all got that and it felt good, until I felt the seaweed UGH gross! I hate the slippery feeling under my feet. After we saw a show going on and watched it, but i got bored. Then we walked around and found a lot of CREEPY STALKERS WATCHING CHICKS RINSING THEMSELVES AND BENDING OVER! Old guys need to get a life! Thats Disgusting!. So everyone got hungry and so we ate at In and Out then hung out at best buy at went home [9:58pm]

Monday, July 20, 2009

Lollicup in Stockton

[[cont.]]...And so by the time my aunt came back from work. I got off the computer from uploading the pictures I took yesterday. I still couldn’t sleep so I made breakfast for everyone (rice, scrambled eggs, biscuits with butter, and three cinnamon things) It was rather delicious. Later on the day we went to Lollicup!!!!!! It’s like Tapioca but WAY better and WAY cheaper! and so we bought everyone drinks and 9 calamari bags, 5 fish ball bags, and 1 bag of dim sum! IT WAS SOOO GOOD!! I give it five stars =DDD haha and I also got two drinks one was peach slush and honeydew something with lychee. AHH the second was MOUTH WATERING that I wanted some more, but sadly late at night we headed back home thanks to my cousin, Jesse.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Skim Board Surfing

Church time! But we were a bit late because of my brother, JJ, who’s such a girl that takes too long to get ready. And this was really bad, but I couldn’t stop talking to my cousins, Kriszel and Micah. I think we were too loud, but we were in the very back. I’m still sorry to those I interrupted! Especially Jesus. Anyways this day was scorching hot, so we went to Toys r Us to look around for water balloons. Instead we found this Skim Board Surfer. Which is like one of those slip and slide thing-a-ma-bobs, but its 26 ft long with water coming out and they give you a skim board so you can so called “surf.” At first we thought it was lame because we really didn’t know how to use it and didn’t go that far with the board, but once the water was filled up…IT WAS SUPER FUNNN! then we filled up the water balloons and had a water balloon fight. Guys vs. Girls. I forgot who won. Later we cleaned up to head over to the park to watch the guys play tackle football. But we arrived too late, so we just hung out for a bit. And while everyone slept, I couldn’t sleep at all ….
[[here are some pics i took playing that skim board surf. If im in the pic then i didn't them.]]

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Movies in Modesto

Arrived at Regal Theaters to watch Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. In my point of view, the movie was OKAY, because I wanted the movie to keep going! I hate it when its “TO BE CONTINUED” cause I don’t like thinking what’s going to happen next, but I guess it’s for the suspense. -.- My cousin, Evelyn, had to go to work at the mall, so we just hung out at their house. ONCE again there were no more food! so I drove over to walmart again with some of the cousins, visited Evelyn at work, and rented a movie called “Haunting of Connecticut.” We began watching the movie after Evelyn came back home, and the funny thing is that I was the only one who didn’t scream.

Friday, July 17, 2009

As we were arriving to Modesto, my cousin Kriszel (who usually sleeps in the car) was being really hyper. Therefore I was getting distracted because I was trying to play a game called “Sally’s Salon” on the itouch, but she kept bothering me, so I just ignored her =]].
WE FINALLY arrived [8 p.m] and once we touched the doorbell. The door opens filling with screaming cousins, whom welcomed us into their house. We settled in right away but left the house with everyone heading towards WALMART! Just cause they didn’t have any food at all. Later we began playing CRANIUM, which took hours to finish [4:34 a.m]! but it was still lots of funnn.